Legislation in water management
J - Impaktovaný odborný článek, Odborný článek v databázi SCOPUS, Recenzovaný odborný článek, Odborný článek
9. 5. 2017
The paper summarizes the main water management legislation, the Water Act, and links it with other important regulations. The article defines basic relations and government competence. It describes tools of water management law, water use definition institutes, and water structures. It describes the concepts of water resources protection, watercourses, and flood protection. The aim of this paper is to introduce to the professional public the concept of the Water Management Law course, which is taught at the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Brno University of Technology.
MARTON, D.; HORSKÁ, M. Legislativa ve vodním hospodářství. Vodní hospodářství, 2017, roč. 2017, č. 5, s. 1-14. ISSN: 1211-0760.