
AGROPROJEKT PSO s.r.o. AGROPROJEKT PSO s.r.o. is a company that has been implementing its offer in the field of project work, surveying work, exploratory geological work, construction work, engineering services and trade for a long time. The company's main activities are complemented by some other activities. In this way, the company fulfills its strategy of comprehensive application in the development of the rural area of ​​the Czech Republic.
ASIO, spol. s r.o. ASIO, spol. s.r.o. is a Czech engineering and supply company with international scope founded in 1993. The company works in the field of development, production and supply of technologies for wastewater treatment, water treatment and air purification. The wide range of supplied water management products is used in the treatment of waste water from family homes, municipalities, cities, hospitals and in various industries. ASIO, spol. s.r.o. is a Czech company represented in 32 countries around the world with a wide network of subsidiaries and representatives.

AQUATIS is a consulting and engineering company with a global scope focused on the principle of balance of sustainable development. It offers its clients an integrated system of consulting, effective design, management and comprehensive project solutions, including copyright supervision.


The company ATELIER FONTES, s.r.o. was founded in 1995 with a focus on the protection, creation and use of the landscape - especially from the water management point of view and related topics. The priority is not only an active interest in the protection of nature and the landscape and the values ​​associated with it, but also the preservation of the sustainable economic potential and utility of the landscape. Our goal is to achieve such solutions to meet all-round interests.

Český hydrometeorologický ústav

The Czech Hydrometeorological Institute functions as the central state institute of the Czech Republic for the fields of air purity, hydrology, water quality, climatology and meteorology, as objective professional services provided primarily for the state administration.

Dekonta a.s

DEKONTA, a.s. is a renowned company providing services in the field of environmental protection and decontamination. It was founded in 1992 as a company specialized in the field of biological cleaning of contaminated soils. It employs 120 qualified workers. It processes hundreds of thousands of tons of hazardous waste annually and solves hundreds of ecological projects.

Ekotoxa s.r.o.

EKOTOXA s.r.o. is a research, development and expert workplace. The company consists of a total of 42 workers of various professions. The professional composition of the company's team mainly covers the fields of informatics, cartography, geoinformatics, agriculture, forestry, ecotoxicology, environmental chemistry, air cleanliness, pedology, ecology, biochemistry, nature conservation, environment, regional policy, spatial planning. The company quite often cooperates with a number of professional state, university and business workplaces throughout the Czech Republic.

Geocart CZ

Geocart CZ a.s., a geodetic and design office, has been operating in the field of geodesy, land development and landscape engineering since 1999. In this activity, we use the long-term experience, knowledge and erudition of our specialists.

GEOCENTRUM, spol. s r.o.

Designing land improvements, processing geometric plans, performing surveying activities, engineering activities in capital construction, project activities in construction, activities of technical advisors in the field of agriculture and forestry, providing software and consulting in the field of hardware and software, organizing and organizing training and other educational courses , geoinformatics and map printing, research and development in the field of natural and technical sciences or social sciences.

Povodí Moravy, s.p.

The performance of watershed management, which is understood as the management of important watercourses, activities connected with the detection and assessment of the state of surface and underground waters in the Morava watershed area and other activities carried out by watershed managers pursuant to Act No. 254/2001 Coll., on waters and on the amendment of certain Acts (Water Act), Act No. 305/2000 Coll., on watersheds and related legislation, including the management of small watercourses in the given area of ​​the watershed, of which the company was designated as administrator, which includes in particular: monitoring the condition of watercourse beds and coastal land in terms of water flow functions.

Povodí Odry, s.p.

The subject of the company's activity is given by the charter and follows from legal norms, especially Act No. 254/2001 Coll. "on waters", Act No. 305/2000 Coll. "on watersheds" and Act No. 77/1997 Coll. "on a state-owned enterprise" as amended. In the area of ​​the Odra basin, the scope of activity mainly consists of: management and maintenance of important and designated small watercourses, including cross-border streams, operation and maintenance of water works.

RAWAT consulting s.r.o.

The company RAWAT consulting s.r.o. provides services in the fields of water management and environmental protection in the spirit of its name "Research on Advanced Water Technologies". The company was founded in 2010 and brings together a number of top specialists with many years of experience, for example in the field of environmental protection or municipal and industrial wastewater treatment. The company operates not only in the Czech Republic, but also focuses on scientific research projects and their implementation within the European Union, Africa or South America. RAWAT consulting s.r.o. as the only private organization in the Czech Republic owns and maintains a collection of technologically usable algae strains from around the world.

VUMOP v.v.i.

The Research Institute of Land Reclamation and Protection is a public research institution. It was established by the Ministry of Agriculture on June 23, 2006 by issuing a charter; was established on January 1, 2007, when it was registered in the register of public research institutions maintained by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. The founding document gave the institute responsibility for the development of knowledge and the transfer of knowledge in the scientific fields of complex land reclamation, pedology, landscape creation and use, and informatics related to these fields.

VÚV TGM, v.v.i.

The Brno branch was established in 1949 as a separate workplace of the State Institute of Hydrology and Hydrotechnics in Prague. Its activity was mainly focused on monitoring the quality of surface water and sources of water pollution in the Morava and Odra basins. For years, the Environment Cabinet has been deepening cooperation with the Department of Water Quality Protection (under the leadership of Eng. Miloš Rozkošný, Ph.D.), which deals with the monitoring, evaluation and modeling of the quality of surface flowing waters with a focus on the development and application of new assessment procedures and tools, methodological and development activities related to the implementation of the EU Framework Directive in the area of ​​surface water protection.

Institute of Water Management, Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering (IWHW)

The Institute for Water Management, Hydrology and Waterworks (IWHW) has been a pioneer in river monitoring, modeling and engineering research for many years. Since 1991, he has been continuously developing innovative methods and has implemented many engineering projects connected by river flows. IWHW builds on long-standing experience in basic and applied research on runoff transport, anthropogenic influences on sediment regimes, compiling sediment balance analyses, and developing innovative solutions for improvements related to sediment management.



CzWA ČAO group (group for small treatment plants and separators, formerly AČE ČAO) is an official permanent group of CzWA CR, which was established in 1999 according to its statutes and currently works according to CzWA statutes. The group is permanent and open, i.e. everyone can participate in its activities, including non-members of CzWA, who are willing to work in the group and whose goals are close to them. The group consists of representatives of various fields, organizations and companies - e.g. schools, watershed enterprises, road management, manufacturers, etc. The group participates in the creation of standards and regulations, their mutual harmonization and harmonization with the upcoming EU regulations, as well as in the education of experts in their spirit. The main goal of the group is to help with the preparation of legislation and the dissemination of information in this part of water management.